By: Ewoenam Kpodo | |
The President of Keta Business College (KETABUSCO) Old Students Association (KEBSOSA), Dr Seth Kwami Anani has disclosed that the Association will hold its maiden annual Speech and Prize Giving Day under the transformational agenda for the school on Saturday, October 6, 2018 at the school’s premises in the Keta Municipality of the Volta Region.
The event which will see prizes awarded to deserving students as well as to best performing teachers to encourage others, will be under the theme: “Indiscipline, the Bane of Academic Excellence”.
The President said the objective for organising the event is to motivate students to perform academically to help realise the bigger agenda of the Association to transform the school in 5 years to come.

“Improving academic performance, through Teacher and Student Motivation, of our school is one of the strategic outcomes under the pillars of the Transformational Agenda which has the objective of moving the school from its current Grade B to Grade A in 5 years. Other strategic outcomes include but not limited to infrastructure transformation, discipline and branding of the school.
The transformational agenda for the school is anchored on four main pillars which include, “Education and Training, Marketing and Communications, Organization and Membership and Project & Funding”.
The October 6 event which has 1988, 1998 and 2008 year batches as headline sponsors for students’ awards, is expected to be held annually and set the tone for students to challenge one another academically and consequently give the school an enviable position among best performing second cycle institutions in the country.
Dr Seth Anani is therefore calling on all well-meaning Coronats (KETABUSCO old students) to support with their donations in giving a practical meaning to the transformational agenda in pursuing academic excellence and discipline as a strategic output at this year’s speech and prize giving day.
Great, this is a step in the right direction. We are ready to transform the our Business College. Coronats, we are enough!